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Travel information

Bus and train

Uppsala can be easily reached by train in only 38 minutes from Stockholm and 18 minutes från Arlanda International Airport.

Time tables and ticket information for trains and local buses may be found on the following websites:



Taxis leave from outside the arrival hall.
• Journey time: about 30 minutes
• Cost: about SEK 500 (approx. EUR 50). Ask the driver for a fixed price (“fast pris”) in advance. You can pay by credit card or by cash. We recommend you to book the taxi beforehand.
• You can make an advance reservation with Uppsala Taxi: +46 18 100 000 or with Taxi Kurir, Uppsala: +46 18 123456. You can ask for a driver to be waiting for you in the arrival hall. 


Learn more about how to get to Uppsala on Destination Uppsala's website.












Academic Conferences - Universities in cooperation | Karolinska Institutet, SLU and Uppsala University | 
www.akademikonferens.se | +46 (0) 18 67 10 03 | xray2016@akademikonferens.uu.se