You can participate either one of the days or both. It is also possible to join day 1 online.
Please note, that evening dinner with a " Swedish Julbord" the first day is included in the price. Please, respond whether you are attending the dinner or not. The conference takes place at the Elite Hotel Marina Tower in Stockholm, where it is also possible to book accommodation during your stay.
Personal details
Day 1
Attending session, choose one of the three seminars, and whether you are attending dinner or not.
Day 2
Attending workshops, choose two.
Cancellation The number of places at the conference on site is limited. If you are prevented to come it is therefore important that you notify, so that others can get the place.
Cancellation fee Before November 1: SEK 500. After November 1: no refunds, however you can exchange your ticket into online participation would you be unable to attend. You can also choose to transfer a registered seat for the entire conference to another colleague, but it is not possible to split a registered seat in two. Let the organizers know who is coming in your place.
Boverket behandlar dina personuppgifter enligt dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). De uppgifter som du lämnar i anmälan använder Boverket för att administrera din anmälan och för genomförande av mötet samt för utvärdering. Vi har också en sida som förklarar hur vi hanterar data: Behandling av personuppgifter (GDPR) - Boverket