
Day 1, December 1st

08:30 - 9:30 Registration and coffee

9:40-9:45 Welcome to a Nordic co-operation for Greener Cities

Ulrika Åkerlund, National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and the organizing team

9:45 - 10:25 Nordic urban greenery in a global context – present state and future imaginaries
Marcus Hedblom, Professor in Landscape Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

10:25 - 10:35 Short break

10:35 - 11:55 Urban Green Work in the Nordic cities.

Close, robust, and cohesive – Green Plan of Gothenburg
Johan Rehngren, City Head Gardener, Gothenburg, Sweden

How do we succeed in getting the green, nature and the landscape onto the local, national, and international agenda?
Kirsten Lund Andersen, City Gardener, Aalborg, Denmark

Increasing biodiversity in the City of Helsinki
Laura Walin, Head of Unit, Environmental Protection, City of Helsinki, Finland

Nordic panel discussion
Challenges and possibilities, 3-30-300 – what could it imply? Differences and similarities, and what can we learn from each other?

Panelists: Johan Rehngren, Kirsten Lund Andersen, Laura Walin

Moderator: Veronica Hejdelind

11:55 - 12:05 Short break

12:05 – 12:40 Ecosystem accounting – a way of measuring the change in and value of ecosystems and their services
Leena Kopperoinen, Senior Researcher and Head of Land-Use and Urbanisation Unit, Finnish Environment Institute

12:40 - 13:30 Lunch


S1. Planning: Green planning for health and equity
Society is facing major challenges due to climate change, urbanization, and the loss of biological diversity. We therefore need to take action to plan for a transition towards greener, healthier, and more resilient cities in the Nordic countries. The session provides perspectives and examples of green planning for health-promoting cities and communities.

The importance of our living environment for health and equity 
Maria Albin, Professor in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet

Contested relationship between compact city and urban green  
Ranja Hautamäki, Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture, Aalto University

A health-promoting regional planning and green structure in the Stockholm region
Elisabeth Mårell, Regional planner, Region Stockholm

Moderator: Veronica Hejdelind

S2. Design: Integrating biodiversity and multifunctional green space in urban design.
The session will have a focus on how to design urban green spaces for both people and biodiversity. We will explore examples of how to work with light pollution, tools in planning, green infrastructure and with an example from Jyväskylä, Finland.

Urban block typologies and green typologies: making room for ecosystem services through integrated design
Björn Ekelund, Architect and planner, PhD, Warm in the winter and Elisabetta Troglio, Urban planner, PhD, Ekologigruppen

Light pollution
Ellinor Scharin, Landscape architect LAR/MSA, Ekologigruppen

Designing urban green spaces
Mattias Gustafsson, Landscape architect LAR/MSA, founder of Urbio

The Green Loop
Mari Kiili, urban planner, Jyväskylä municipality

Moderator: Marcus Hedblom

S3. Management: How do we ensure quality in urban green space in the long perspective?
This session focus on evaluation and learning from existing nature-based projects in the Nordic countries.

Experiences from Norra Djurgårdsstaden. Does the dispersion corridors work?
Peter Wiborn, Ecosystem services specialist at the environmental administration, Stockholm City

Bryggervangen – ‘Climate District’
Jonathan Reghev, Projektleder Klimatilpasning, Köbenhavns kommune

Ageing green roofs
Ishi Buffam, Researcher in ecosystem ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Nacka. Storm water – functioning management
Agata Wehlin, Stormwater Strategist, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Design and management
Emma Norrman, Landscape engineer/CEO, Funkia AB

Moderator: Petter Åkerblom

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break and exhibition visit

15:30 - 16:00 Business perspective on urban greenery – panel discussion
According to EU's Biodiversity Strategy, the aim is that by 2030, Europe's biodiversity should be on the way to recovery for the benefit of people, planet, climate, and the economy. What role do companies play and why is the business perspective important to include? Listen to the panel discussing climate adaption, risk assessment and investments related to biodiversity – a business perspective on urban green infrastructure.

Panelists: Amanda Möttönen, U&We; Maria Flock Åhlander, Ekobanken; Karina Antin, K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter AB; Martin Hedberg, Länsförsäkringar; Christina Wikberger, C/O City

Moderator Veronica Hejdelind

16:00 - 16:40 Bringing green space benefits to all Nordic citizens with the 3-30-300 rule
Dr Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Nature Based Solutions Institute

16:40 - 16:45 Summarizing the day
Moderator Veronica Hejdelind

18:30 - 21:00 Evening dinner with Julbord

DAY 2, December 2nd

08:15 - 08:25 Introduction to the day
Moderator Veronica Hejdelind

08:25 - 08:50 Nordic toolbox for working with Ecosystem Services
Keynote speaker Hanna Ahlström Isacsson, Landscape Architect, URBIO


W1. Kartläggningsmetoder och grön infrastruktur i kommunal grönplanering (In Swedish)
Ta del av exempel på grundläggande kartläggningsmetoder och hur du kan använda bland annat nationella marktäckedata och underlag för grön infrastruktur tidigt i planeringen. Ni kommer kunna studera valfritt område i dator/telefon. Tillsammans diskuterar vi användbarhet, möjlighet, begränsningar och får svar på frågor som dyker upp. Tillsammans spanar vi också på morgondagens underlag.

Arrangör: Naturvårdsverket

W2. Indicators for monitoring development of urban green space
The workshop aims to discuss indicators for functional green infrastructure in urban environments in the context of biodiversity conservation. Further it aims to discuss targets for a functional green infrastructure in an urban environment that includes size, quality, density, and connectivity.

Organizers: Christine Haaland, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Riku Lumiaro, the Finnish Environment Institute.

W3. Eco-system accounting – what is it and how can municipalities implement it?
Ecosystem accounting is one step forward from mapping and assessing ecosystems and their services: it enables the monitoring of change in the extent, condition, ecosystem service supply and demand and its monetary value in time. Ecosystem accounting is based on an international standard by the United Nations, so called SEEA EA. In this workshop we explain the basic concepts and process of ecosystem accounting in the context of municipal planning and decision-making with some concrete examples from pilot cities. At the end of the workshop, participants will also be able to contribute to the future development of the municipal ecosystem accounting.

Organizer: Leena Kopperoinen and Laura Costadone, Finnish Environment Institute

W4. Nature based solutions in urban areas – co-creative workshop (run only once)
Bring your own planning challenge and make use of the rooms collective knowledge to co-create suitable nature-based solutions. In this workshop we will illustrate the complexity of urban planning by using a "real" miniature landscape where possible nature-based solutions will be explored following the six steps of the SEPAs guide on how to implement NbS. 
Follow this link to find the guide:

Organizers: Timo Persson, Anki Weibull and Lovisa Lagerblad, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

W5. Att kartlägga områden med risk för höga temperaturer (In Swedish)
Perioder av höga temperaturer kan vara påfrestande på hälsan. Med klimatförändringarna förväntas värmeböljor bli vanligare varför Folkhälsomyndigheten har utvecklat en GIS-metod för kartläggning av bebyggelse som riskerar att utveckla höga temperaturer. Under workshopen beskrivs metoden steg för steg som utmynnar i en översiktlig kartbild som illustrerar vilka områden i tätorten som i högre grad riskerar att utveckla hälsoskadlig värme, och där åtgärder behöver sättas in först.

Arrangörer: Elin Andersson, Folkhälsomyndigheten och Kristoffer Mattisson, Lunds universitet

W6. Ekosystemtjänster i stadsplaneringen (In Swedish)
Presentation och möjlighet att prova två sätt att implementera urban grönska. Dessa är "Ekosystemtjänster i stadsplanering - en vägledning" och verktyget "QGYF" ett GIS-baserat verktyg för att effektivisera, beräkna och visualisera urban grönska.

Arrangör: C/O City

10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break with sandwich


W1. Kartläggningsmetoder och grön infrastruktur i kommunal grönplanering (In Swedish)

W2. Indicators for monitoring development of urban green space

W3. Eco-system accounting – what is it and how can municipalities implement it?

W5. Att kartlägga områden med risk för höga temperaturer (In Swedish)

W6. Ekosystemtjänster i stadsplaneringen (In Swedish)

12:05 – 12:40  Wrap up session
Conclusions from the workshops, Moderator Veronica Hejdelind

12.40-13.40 Lunch

13:40 – 14:00 3-30-300 in practice
Camilla Anderson, Community planner, Region Skåne

14:00 – 14:25 Beautiful for our minds, eyes, and bodies – Reflections from a national architect
Helena Bjarnegård, National architect in Sweden and chairman of the Swedish Council for Sustainable Cities

14:25 – 14:40 Towards Greener, Healthier and Resilient Cities! - Panel Discussion
Summarizing the conference, what can you do to continue the transition towards greener, healthier and resilient cities?

Panelists: Helena Bjarnegård, Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch, Riku Lumiaro, Luontokunnat Verkosto, Finska naturkommunerna

Moderator: Veronica Hejdelind

14:40 – 14:45 Closing the conference
Moderator Veronica Hejdelind

14.45-15.15 Swedish fika with coffee and tea