Field trips 16 June

About the field trips in the Scania-Copenhagen Region 

These field trips will run in parallel. Participants are kindly asked to register for one of these field trips. All field trips will depart from the conference venue Malmö Live.
A) Green placemaking for a sustainable city – Lomma, Helsingborg and Landskrona  
In Lomma municipality we make a stop in Bjärred look at meeting places in the context of a village. The spots of interest are amongst others the bridge/restaurant/sauna of the “Långa Bryggan”, the municipal nature reserve “Saltsjöbadsparken” and the former train station which serves as a restaurant/concert venue. 

In Helsingborg – an innovative city by the sea, we will visit the Ocean harbour, a district by the sea with the focus of testing new ideas for quality of life and sustainability. Circular infrastructure has enabled the solution "Three pipes out" which, by separating sewage and taking care of food waste, created a district that generates energy. The park “The Dock” was awarded best landscape architecture in Sweden 2022. The Steamferry park features a new lawn, watered from below with the help of technology and sensors, reducing water consumption by 85%. You’ll also visit an industrial scale biochar production from garden waste providing 1000 houses with heat, creating an annual carbon sink of approximately 4000 tons. And supplying the city with biochar for urban development projects. 

In Landskrona we will visit Teaterparken, a classically designed park located in the middle of Landskrona's city center. The renovation is based on the ambition to create a more vibrant park with a clear focus on climate efforts, where stormwater management and a more varied flora have been important issues, as well as the need to create an environment that is perceived as safer and more attractive. 


B) Kristianstad - the city on water

The Municipality of Kristianstad invites you to experience Kristianstad both on water and on land! In 2005, Kristianstads Vattenrike was recognized by the UN agency Unesco as a biosphere reserve. In Kristianstads Vattenrike you find Naturum Vattenriket, a visitor center located on the river Helge å, which flows through the landscape into the Baltic Sea. We offer you a tour in the visitor center Naturum Vattenriket, a boat ride on the river Helge å where you get to know more about Kristiantads Vattenrike, as well as the system of embankments and pumping stations protecting the city from flooding. Finally, you get to be on land to see more of the city of Kristianstad. We look forward to guide you through the water and lands of the Municipality of Kristianstad! 


C) Building for the future in Lund: innovative approaches to urban development to ensure sustainability and inclusiveness 

Welcome to Lund, the Global Climate City 2022 with the aim to be climate neutral by 2030. During a visit to the city’s new pioneering development area Brunnshög and Science Village, you will gain an understanding of how we work strategically on the policy level to ensure sustainability in all aspects of urban development with a focus on energy, mobility and sustainable construction. Inclusive and innovative approaches are used to make the area an attractive one to live and work in, side by side with world leading research facilities (ex: ESS, MAX IV), academia and business. You will learn how we, as public actors, fine tune area composition, safeguard building qualities and enforce district level sustainability solutions through positive partnerships with commercial developers – augmented by strong land sales policy. In Brunnshög you will get a first-hand look of what this can result in: from large technical systems such as tramway and the world’s largest low-temperature district heating network, to rain barrels and methods to limit car use


D) Copenhagen Explore the harbor of Copenhagen  

Danish Trade Council in Sweden will take you on a journey through the transformation of Copenhagen harbor with a focus on the cycling infrastructure, circularity, climate adaptation, learning environments in urban areas, biodiversity, and architecture. On the guided bike tour, you will explore the new districts, architectural gems, and sustainable solutions hidden all over Copenhagen’s harbor. Experts will provide you with insights into historic facts and recent and ongoing projects that aims to set new standards for sustainable building in the future. 
Please note that the guided tour will, in case of rain, take place by bus. 


E) Commons and Pathways: Is Public Space an Issue of Justice? Malmö 09:00-12:00 

In this workshop we will discuss the importance of publicly accessible places in the city and along urban-rural connections. 
We start the day with a brief presentation of an ongoing four-year research project on public commons and pathways related to spatial justice. We will delve into the Swedish notion of allmänning [common] and stråk [pathway] within their historical and current use. 
We continue with a walk that follow the pilgrim walk ‘The Road of Mercy, St Birgittaleden’ through central Malmö and after Värnhem we will continue our walk along abandoned railway tracks. Our aim is to talk and walk together to explore and discuss the role of publicly accessible places in the urban-rural land regime of the 21st century. 


Questions about your registration? Please contact the organizer Reachem | 08 410 30 150 |