Dear exhibitor/sponsor!
It is our pleasure to invite you to NSN 2025 - 38th Biennale Congress of the Nordic Society of Nephrology, June 11th-14th 2025 in Oslo!
The congress is held at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel.
We have lunch symposiums on Thursday and Friday (Platinum), lunch symposiums and symposiums in the afternoon on Wednesday and Saturday (Gold). Silver sponsors can present themselves for 2 minutes on stage, bronze sponsors have a stand in the foyer.
We have included several long breaks throughout the day which give the opportunity to visit stands in the foyer.
Registration for the participant opens in January, and by then the topics for the symposia must be clarified.
Sponsorship proposals
Various levels of sponsorship opportunities are available as set out below.
NOTE: All fees are including 25% VAT.
Sponsor type: PLATINUM stand - 3 sponsorships available
Fee of 210.000,- NOK
- 6 square metres (2x3) in the main exhibition area. This is the best location in the exhibition area for maximum participant interaction.
- One symposium or workshop (60 minutes). The symposium must have scientific content and the title and content of the lecture must be approved by the local organising committee. The sponsor covers all cost that the symposium includes i.e. speakers cost and lunch served to the participants.
- Company logo on the congress web site with a link to sponsor’s home page
- Including 3 complimentary registrations with access to the congress and exhibition area, lunch and coffee breaks
- Including 2 conference tables with tablecloth and 2 chairs on stand.
- Access to electricity | extension cable
Sponsor type: GOLD stand - 3 sponsorships available
Fee of 140.000,- NOK
- 6 square metres (2x3) in the main exhibition area.
- One symposium or workshop (60 minutes). The symposium must have scientific content and the title and content of the lecture must be approved by the local organising committee. The sponsor covers all cost that the symposium includes i.e. speakers cost and lunch served to the participants.
- Company logo on the congress web site with a link to sponsor’s home page
- Including 2 complimentary registrations with access to the congress and exhibition area, lunch and coffee breaks
- Including 2 conference tables with tablecloth and 2 chairs on stand.
- Access to electricity | extension cable
Sponsor type: SILVER stand - 4 sponsorships available
Fee of 60.000,- NOK
- 4 square metres (2x2) in the main exhibition area.
- 2 minutes presentation during the conference.
- Company logo on the congress web site with a link to sponsor’s home page
- Including 1 complimentary registrations with access to the congress and exhibition area, lunch and coffee breaks
- Including 1 conference table with tablecloth and 2 chairs on stand.
- Access to electricity | extension cable
Sponsor type: BRONZE stand - 10 sponsorships available
Fee of 40.000,- NOK
- 4 square metres (2x2) in the main exhibition area.
- Company logo on the congress web site with a link to sponsor’s home page
- Including 1 complimentary registrations with access to the congress and exhibition area, lunch and coffee breaks
- Including 1 conference table with tablecloth and 2 chairs on stand.
- Access to electricity | extension cable
Early Bird
NSN congress (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) | 5000 NOK | 7500 NOK |
Presymposium (Wednesday) |
2000 NOK
2500 NOK |
1 Day (Thursday or Friday) | 2750 NOK | 3000 NOK |
1 Day (Saturday)
2000 NOK |
2250 NOK
Other sponsorship opportunities (first come, first served)
Lanyards for namebadge: max 1 sponsor
Sponsorship: 8.125,- NOK. The sponsor covers the actual cost of the supplies.
Pen and Pad: max 1 sponsor
Pen and pad will be distributed to all delegates.
Sponsorship: 10.000,- NOK. The sponsor covers the actual cost of the supplies.
Other information
Additional equipment required on stand:
TV/Monitor, please indicate alternative size required. Prices on request.
Please inform whether you need a TV/Monitor Desk stand or on foot.
If you are a foreign business, you may be entitled to a VAT refund in connection with purchases of goods/services in Norway, provided that certain conditions are met.
All invoices will be specified in NOK and with VAT.
For VAT information, please check:
VAT refund (
The NSN 2025 Congress is approved by LMI.
Floor plan